Type-Level Privileges

You can specify two privileges on data types that are not built-in data types:
  • The Usage privilege on a user-defined data type
  • The Under privilege on a named ROW type
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
    Type-Level Privileges
    |--+-USAGE ON TYPE--type_name-----+-----------------------------|
       '-UNDER ON TYPE--row_type_name-'   
    Element Description Restrictions Syntax
    row_type_name Named ROW type on which the Under privilege is granted Named ROW data type must exist Identifier; Data Type
    type_name User-defined type on which the Usage privilege is granted User-defined data type must exist. Identifier; Data Type

To see what privileges exist on user-defined data types, check the sysxtdtypes system catalog table for the owner of each UDT, and the sysxtdtypeauth system catalog table for any other users or roles that hold privileges on UDTs. See the HCL Informix® Guide to SQL: Reference for information on the system catalog tables.

For all the built-in data types, however, these access privileges are automatically available to PUBLIC and cannot be revoked.

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