You can use the WITH MAX clause to indicate the maximum number of item descriptors that the new system-descriptor area can include.

When you use this clause, the COUNT field value of the system-descriptor area is set to the number of items that you specify here. If you do not specify the WITH MAX clause, the default value of the COUNT field is 100 items. You can use the SET DESCRIPTOR statement to change the value of the COUNT field.

Examples of ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statements

The following examples show valid ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statements that include the WITH MAX clause. This example uses embedded variable names to identify the system-descriptor area and to specify the maximum number of item descriptors:
EXEC SQL allocate descriptor :descname with max :occ;
The next example uses a quoted string to declare desc1 as the identifier of the system-descriptor area, and uses an unsigned integer to specify 3 as the maximum number of item descriptors in the desc1 area:
EXEC SQL allocate descriptor 'desc1' with max 3;

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