Using the BEFORE, AFTER, and REMAINDER options

The BEFORE and AFTER options allow you to place a new fragment either before or after an existing fragment. You cannot use the BEFORE and AFTER options when the distribution scheme is round-robin or range interval..

When you attach a new list or expression fragment without specifying an explicit BEFORE or AFTER keyword option, the database server places the added fragment at the end of the fragment list, unless a remainder fragment exists. If a remainder fragment exists, the new fragment, by default, is placed just before the remainder fragment. You cannot attach a new fragment after the remainder fragment.

You cannot define a remainder fragment when the distribution scheme is round-robin or range interval.

If you omit the AS PARTITION fragment specification, the default name of the fragment is the name of the dbspace where it is stored. If another fragment of the same table already has the same name as the dbspace, the database server issues an exception, and the ALTER FRAGMENT ATTACH operation fails.

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