Detach That Results in a Nonfragmented Table

The following example uses the table cur_acct fragmented into two dbspaces, dbsp1 and dbsp2:
ALTER FRAGMENT ON TABLE cur_acct DETACH dbsp2 accounts;
This example detaches dbsp2 from the distribution scheme for cur_acct and places the rows in a new table, accounts. Table accounts now has the same structure (column names, number of columns, data types, and so on) as table cur_acct, but the table accounts does not contain any indexes or constraints from the table cur_acct. Both tables are now nonfragmented. The following example shows a table that contains three fragments:
ALTER FRAGMENT ON TABLE bus_acct DETACH dbsp3 cli_acct;

This statement detaches dbsp3 from the distribution scheme for bus_acct and places the rows in a new table, cli_acct. Table cli_acct now has the same structure (column names, number of columns, data types, and so on) as bus_acct, but the table cli_acct does not contain any indexes or constraints from the table bus_acct. Table cli_acct is a nonfragmented table, but table bus_acct remains fragmented.

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