SET Components

A security label component of type SET is an unordered set of no more than 64 elements. Each element of the SET is a string constant of no more than 32 bytes, and must be unique within the component, but the same value can be used in other components. The order in which the elements of a SET component are declared is not significant in regard to the data sensitivity of the categories that these elements identify. The elements and their comma separators must be enclosed between a pair of braces ( { ... } ) symbols.

When a SET component is specified in the definition of a security label, the label can specify one or multiple elements of that component as valid values for the component.

In the following example, DBSECADM defines a security label component called departments that is an unordered set of three elements, called Marketing, HR, and finance:
   SET { 'Marketing', 'HR', 'Finance' };
Like all components of type SET, the order in which these elements are declared implies no relative rank in data sensitivity.

A component of type SET can be appropriate in contexts where some dimension of a multidimensional security policy can be represented as nominal categories, without any logical basis for ordering them on a monotonic scale, nor for arranging them in a hierarchy.

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