User-Defined Functions in Fragment Expressions
For rows that include user-defined data types, you can use comparison
conditions or user-defined functions to define the range rules. In
the following example, comparison conditions define the range rules
for the long1 column, which contains an opaque data type:
long1 < '3001' IN dbsp1,
long1 BETWEEN '3001' AND '6000' IN dbsp2,
long1 > '6000' IN dbsp3;
An implicit, user-defined cast converts 3001 and 6000 to the opaque type.
Alternatively, you can use user-defined functions to define the
range rules for the opaque data type of the long1 column:
(lessthan(long1,'3001')) IN dbsp1,
(greaterthanorequal(long1,'3001') AND
lessthanorequal(long1,'6000')) IN dbsp2,
(greaterthan(long1,'6000')) IN dbsp3;
Explicit user-defined functions require parentheses around the entire fragment expression before the IN clause, as the previous example shows.
User-defined functions in a fragment expression can be written
in SPL or in the C or Java™ language.
These functions must satisfy four requirements:
- They must evaluate to a Boolean value.
- They must be nonvariant.
- They must reside within the same database as the table.
- They must not generate OUT nor INOUT parameters.
For information on how to create UDRs for fragment expressions, refer to IBM® Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide.