Using the UNDER Clause

Use the UNDER clause to specify inheritance (that is, define the new table as a subtable). The subtable inherits properties from the specified supertable. In addition, you can define new properties specific to the subtable.

Continuing the example shown in OF TYPE Clause, the following statements create a typed table, grad_students, that inherits all of the columns of the students table but also has columns for adviser and field_of_study that correspond to fields in the grad_student_t ROW type:
CREATE ROW TYPE grad_student_t 
   (adviser        CHAR(25),
    field_of_study CHAR(40)) UNDER student_t;

CREATE TABLE grad_students OF TYPE grad_student_t  UNDER students;
When you use the UNDER clause, the subtable inherits these properties:
  • All columns in the supertable
  • All constraints defined on the supertable
  • All indexes defined on the supertable
  • All triggers defined on the supertable.
  • All referential integrity constraints
  • The access method
  • The storage option specification (including fragmentation strategy)

    If a subtable defines no fragments, but if its supertable has fragments defined, then the subtable inherits the fragments of the supertable.

Tip: Any heritable attributes that are added to a supertable after subtables have been created are automatically inherited by existing subtables. You do not need to add all heritable attributes to a supertable before you create its subtables.

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