System Catalog Information
When you create a table, the database server adds information about the table to the systables system catalog table, and column information to syscolumns system catalog table. The sysfragments system catalog table contains information about fragmentation strategies and the storage location of fragments. The sysblobs system catalog table contains information about the location of dbspaces and of simple large objects. (The syschunks table in the sysmaster database contains information about the location of smart large objects.)
The systabauth, syscolauth, sysfragauth, sysprocauth, sysusers, and sysxtdtypeauth tables contain information about the discretionary access privileges that various CREATE TABLE options require.
The sysextcols, sysextdfiles, and sysexternal tables contain additional information about objects that the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement registers in the database.
The systables, sysxtdtypes, and sysinherits system catalog tables provide information about typed tables. For typed-table hierarchies, constraints, indexes, and triggers are recorded in the system catalog for the supertable, but not for subtables that inherit them. Fragmentation information, however, is recorded for both supertables and subtables. For more information about inheritance, refer to the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Tutorial.