Multiple-Column Constraint Format

Use the multiple-column constraint format to associate one or more columns with a constraint. This alternative to the single-column constraint format allows you to associate multiple columns with a constraint.
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Multiple-Column Constraint Format

                                V        |        
|--+-+---+-NOT NULL-+-----+--(----column-+--)-+-----------------|
   | |   '-NULL-----'     |                   |   
   | +-+-UNIQUE---------+-+                   |   
   | | |  (1)           | |                   |   
   | | '-------DISTINCT-' |                   |   
   | '-PRIMARY KEY--------'                   |   
   |                  (2)                     |   
   '-| CHECK Clause |-------------------------'   

  1. Informix® extension
  2. See CHECK Clause
Element Description Restrictions Syntax
column Name of column or columns on which the constraint is placed Must be unique in a table, but the same name can be in different tables of the same database Identifier

This is a subset of the syntax of Multiple-Column Constraint Format that the CREATE TABLE statement supports.

This alternative to the single-column constraint segment of CREATE TEMP TABLE can associate multiple columns with a constraint. Constraints that you define on temporary tables are always enabled.

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