Dropping security objects in RESTRICT mode or in CASCADE mode

By default, the RESTRICT keyword is in effect when any security object is dropped. Only a security policy can be dropped in CASCADE mode. DBSECADM cannot drop a security policy in RESTRICT mode if any of the following conditions are true:
  • A table is protected by that security policy
  • A security label depends on that security policy
  • A user has been granted an exemption from a rule of that security policy.
A security policy cannot be dropped in CASCADE mode if the policy is protecting any table. When a security policy is successfully dropped in CASCADE mode, the following security objects are also dropped or revoked:
  • All the security labels that are associated with the dropped security policy
  • All the security labels that were dropped are also revoked from the users who hold those labels
  • All the exemptions from the dropped security policy are revoked.
A security label cannot be dropped in RESTRICT mode, which is the only supported mode for dropping labels, if any of the following conditions are true:
  • A column is protected by that security label
  • A user holds that security label.

A security label component cannot be dropped in RESTRICT mode, which is the only supported mode for dropping components, if any security policy depends on that security label component.

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