Using the VALUE Clause After a FETCH

Each time your program fetches a row, it must copy the fetched value into host variables so that the data can be used. To accomplish this task, use a GET DESCRIPTOR statement after each fetch of each value in the select list. If three values exist in the select list, you need to use three GET DESCRIPTOR statements after each fetch (assuming you want to read all three values). The item numbers for each of the three GET DESCRIPTOR statements are 1, 2, and 3.

The following Informix® ESQL/C example shows how you can copy data from the DATA field into a host variable (result) after a fetch. For this example, it is predetermined that all returned values are the same data type:
EXEC SQL get descriptor 'demodesc' :desc_count = count;
.. .
EXEC SQL fetch democursor using sql descriptor 'demodesc';
for (i = 1; i <= desc_count; i++)
   if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) break;
   EXEC SQL get descriptor 'demodesc' value :i :result = DATA;
   printf("%s ", result);

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