USELASTCOMMITTED session environment option
The USELASTCOMMITTED session environment option can improve concurrency in sessions that use the Committed Read, Dirty Read, Read Committed, or Read Uncommitted isolation levels by reducing the risk of locking conflicts when two or more sessions attempt to access the same row in a table whose locking granularity is row-level locking.
The SET ENVIRONMENT USELASTCOMMITTED statement of SQL supports the following syntax:
USELASTCOMMITTED session environment option |--SET ENVIRONMENT USELASTCOMMITTED -'--+-COMMITTED READ-+--'---| +-DIRTY READ-----+ +-ALL------------+ '-NONE-----------'
The SET ENVIRONMENT USELASTCOMMITTED statement can specify whether queries and other operations that encounter exclusive locks that other sessions hold while changing data values should use the most recently committed version of the data, rather than wait for the lock to be released.
This statement can override the USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameter setting for the duration of the current session. You can use the SET ISOLATION statement to override the USELASTCOMMITTED session environment setting.
- The database server reads the most recently committed version of the data when it encounters an exclusive lock while attempting to read a row in the Committed Read or Read Committed isolation level.
- The database server reads the most recently committed version of the data if it encounters an exclusive lock while attempting to read a row in the Dirty Read or Read Uncommitted isolation level.
- 'ALL'
- The database server reads the most recently committed version of the data if it encounters an exclusive lock while attempting to read a row in the Committed Read, Dirty Read, Read Committed, or Read Uncommitted isolation level.
- 'NONE'
- This value disables the USELASTCOMMITTED feature that can access the last committed version of data in a locked row. Under this setting, if your session encounters an exclusive lock when attempting to read a row in the Committed Read, Dirty Read, Read Committed, or Read Uncommitted isolation level, your transaction cannot read that row until the concurrent transaction that holds the exclusive lock is committed or rolled back.
Besides sysdbopen(
), any SPL routine can use these statements to specify the Committed
Read Last Committed transaction isolation level during a session.
These statements enable SQL operations that read data to use the last
committed version when an exclusive lock is encountered during an
operation that reads a table. This can avoid deadlock situations or
other locking errors when another session is attempting to modify
the same row or table. It does not reduce the risk of locking conflicts
with other sessions that are writing to tables, or with concurrent
DDL transactions that hold implicit or explicit locks on a user table
or on a system catalog table.In cross-server distributed queries, if the isolation level of the session that issued the query has the LAST COMMITTED isolation level option in effect, but one or more of the participating databases does not support this LAST COMMITTED feature, then the entire transaction conforms to the Committed Read or Dirty Read isolation level of the session that issued the transaction, without the LAST COMMITTED option enabled.
Restrictions on the USELASTCOMMITTED option
This session environment option is designed for operations on tables that use a locking granularity of ROW. For operations on tables with a locking granularity of TABLE, the USELASTCOMMITTED setting does not reduce the risk of locking conflicts when concurrent processes attempt to access the same tables.
For information about additional restrictions that can prevent a transaction from reading the most recently committed data from a table locked by another transaction while USELASTCOMMITTED is enabled, see The LAST COMMITTED Option to Committed Read.
For more information about the USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameter, see your IBM® Informix® Administrator's Reference.