Using the 'utc_current' Option

The 'utc_current' option returns the current value of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as an integer value that shows the number of seconds that have elapsed between 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00) and when the current SQL statement began to execute.

Unlike Universal Time (UT), which calculates the duration of seconds from the earth's rotation, UTC uses seconds of a fixed length, based on high-precision atomic clocks.

Because of variation in the earth's gradually diminishing rotation rate, intercalary leap seconds are introduced from time to time in UTC to reduce discrepancies with UT time. By default, Informix® ignores leap seconds in DATETIME and INTERVAL arithmetic. When Informix is supported by an operating system that takes leap seconds into account, however, the leap seconds are reflected in subsequent DATETIME and INTERVAL operations after the operating system adjusts the system clock for leap seconds.

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