Trigonometric Functions

The built-in trigonometric functions calculate ratios of the lengths of the sides of right triangles. Two supporting functions, DEGREES and RADIANS, can respectively convert the units of angular values from radians to degrees, and from degrees to radians.

The built-in trigonometric functions have the following syntax.
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Trigonometric Functions

   | +-COSH----+                       |   
   | +-SIN-----+                       |   
   | +-SINH----+                       |   
   | +-TAN-----+                       |   
   | +-TANH----+                       |   
   | '-DEGREES-'                       |   
     | +-ASINH-+                     |     
     | +-ACOS--+                     |     
     | +-ACOSH-+                     |     
     | +-ATAN--+                     |     
     | '-ATANH-'                     |     
     +-ATAN2--(--y, x--)-------------+     

Element Description Restrictions Syntax
degree_expr Expression that represents the number of degrees Must return a value that can be converted to a DECIMAL type Expression
numeric_expr Expression that serves as the argument to the ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ASINH, ACOSH or ATANH functions Must return a value between -1 and 1, inclusive Expression
radian_expr Expression that represents the number of radians Must return a numeric value Expression
x Expression that represents the x coordinate in the rectangular coordinate pair (x, y) Must return a numeric value Expression
y Expression that represents the y coordinate in the rectangular coordinate pair (x, y) Must return a numeric value Expression

Sections that follow describe each of these built-in trigonometric functions.

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