Collating Order for U.S. English Data

If you are using the default locale (U.S. English), the database server uses the code-set order of the default code set when it compares the character expressions that precede and follow the relational operator.

On UNIX, the default code set is the ISO8859-1 code set, which consists of the following sets of characters:
  • The ASCII characters have code points in the range of 0 to 127.

    This range contains control characters, punctuation symbols, English-language characters, and numerals.

  • The 8-bit characters have code points in the range 128 to 255.

    This range includes many non-English-language characters (such as é, ∾, ö, and ñ) and symbols (such as £, ©, and ¿).

In Windows, the default code set is Microsoft 1252. This code set includes both the ASCII code set and a set of 8-bit characters.

This table lists the ASCII code set. The Num columns show ASCII code point numbers, and the Char columns display corresponding ASCII characters. In the default locale, ASCII characters are sorted according to their code-set order. Thus, lowercase letters follow uppercase letters, and both follow digits. In this table, ASCII 32 is the blank character, and the caret symbol ( ^ ) stands for the CTRL key. For example, ^X means CONTROL-X.
Num Char Num Char Num Char Num Char Num Char Num Char Num Char
0 ^@ 20 ^T 40 ( 60 < 80 P 100 d 120 x
1 ^A 21 ^U 41 ) 61 = 81 Q 101 e 121 y
2 ^B 22 ^V 42 * 62 > 82 R 102 f 122 z
3 ^C 23 ^W 43 + 63 ? 83 S 103 g 123 {
4 ^D 24 ^X 44 , 64 @ 84 T 104 h 124 |
5 ^E 25 ^Y 45 - 65 A 85 U 105 i 125 }
6 ^F 26 ^Z 46 . 66 B 86 V 106 j 126 ~
7 ^G 27 esc 47 / 67 C 87 W 107 k 127 del
8 ^H 28 ^\ 48 0 68 D 88 X 108 l    
9 ^I 29 ^] 49 1 69 E 89 Y 109 m    
10 ^J 30 ^^ 50 2 70 F 90 Z 110 n    
11 ^K 31 ^_ 51 3 71 G 91 [ 111 o    
12 ^L 32   52 4 72 H 92 \ 112 p    
13 ^M 33 ! 53 5 73 I 93 ] 113 q    
14 ^N 34 " 54 6 74 J 94 ^ 114 r    
15 ^O 35 # 55 7 75 K 95 _ 115 s    
16 ^P 36 $ 56 8 76 L 96 ˋ 116 t    
17 ^Q 37 % 57 9 77 M 97 a 117 u    
18 ^R 38 & 58 : 78 N 98 b 118 v    
19 ^S 39 ' 59 ; 79 O 99 c 119 w    

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