Database Object Name

Use the Database Object Name segment to specify the name of a database object, such as a column, table, view, or user-defined routine. Use this segment whenever you see a reference to a database object name.


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Database Object Name

   |  (1)                                  |   
   '-------database--+---------------+-- : '   

   |                (2)     |          '- . -object-'   
   '-| Owner Name |------ . '                           

  1. Informix® extension
  2. See Owner name

Element Description Restrictions Syntax
database Database where object resides Must exist. Database Name
dbservername Database server of database Must exist. No space after @. Identifier
object Name of a database object See Usage. Identifier


A database object name can include qualifiers and separator symbols to specify a database, a server, an owner, and (for some objects) another object of which the current database object is a component. For example, this expression specifies the unit-price column of the stock table, owned by user informix, in the stores_demo database of a database server called butler:

If you are creating or renaming a database object, the new name that you declare must be unique among objects of the same type in the database. Thus, the name of a new view must be unique among the names and synonyms of tables, views, and sequence objects that already exist in the same database. (But a view can have the same name as a view in a different database of the same server, or the same name as a trigger, for example, because these are different types of objects.)

In an ANSI-compliant database, the owner.object combination must be unique in the database for the type of object. A database object specification must include the owner name for a database object that you do not own. For example, if you specify a table that you do not own, you must also specify the owner of the table. The owner of all the system catalog tables is informix.

In Informix, the uniqueness requirement does not apply to the name of a user defined routine (UDR). For more information, see Routine Overloading and Routine Signatures.

Characters from the code set of your database locale are valid in database object names. For more information, see HCL Informix GLS User's Guide.

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