Handling Duplicate Rows
While MERGE is executing, the same row in the target table cannot be updated or deleted more than once. No attempt is made to update or delete any row in the target that did not already exist before the MERGE statement was executed. That is, there are no updates or deletes of rows that the same MERGE statement inserted into the target.
MERGE INTO sale USING new_sale AS n
ON sale.cust_id = n.cust_id
SET sale.salecount = sale.salecount + n.salecount
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (cust_id, salecount)
VALUES (n.cust_id, n.salecount);
- For rows that satisfy the condition (because the sale.cust_id value matches the new_sale.cust_id value), MERGE updates the sale.salecount column value, according to the SET clause specification.
- For rows that do not satisfy the condition (because no row in the sale table has the same cust_id value as new_sale.cust_id), MERGE inserts new rows containing the new_sale.cust_id and new_sale.salecount values into the sale table, according to the VALUES clause specification.
cust_id | sale_count |
Tom | 129 |
Julie | 230 |
cust_id | sale_count |
Tom | 20 |
Julie | 3 |
Julie | 10 |
When merging new_sale into sale by specifying the expression sale.cust_id = new_sale.cust_id as the matching condition, the MERGE statement returns an error, because it attempts to update one of the records in the sale target table more than once.
Data Types in Distributed MERGE Operations
- Built-in data types that are not opaque
- DISTINCT of the built-in data types that are not opaque
- DISTINCT of any DISTINCT data type that appears in this list.
Cross-server distributed MERGE operations can support these DISTINCT types only if the DISTINCT types are cast explicitly to built-in types, and all of the DISTINCT types, their data type hierarchies, and their casts are defined exactly the same way in each participating database. For additional information about the data types that Informix supports in cross-server DML operations, see Data Types in Cross-Server Transactions.
MERGE operations cannot access a database of another Informix instance unless both server instances support either a TCP/IP or an IPCSTR connection, as defined in their DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameters and in the sqlhosts file or SQLHOSTS registry subkey. This connection-type requirement applies to any communication between Informix instances, even if both database servers reside on the same computer.
- Most built-in opaque data types, as listed in Data Types in Cross-Database Transactions
- DISTINCT of the same built-in opaque types
- DISTINCT of any of the data types in either of the two preceding lines
- Opaque user-defined data types (UDTs) that are explicitly cast to built-in data types.
The MERGE statement also supports Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA) protocols in common client APIs. For the Informix data types that MERGE can return from a remote database through DRDA protocols, see the IBM® Informix Administrator's Guide for lists of the Informix data types that are supported (and that are not supported) by DRDA.