Adding an End-of-Line Character to a Fixed Text File

You can add an end-of-line character to each line of a fixed-text file to use the file for other applications.

If you are writing text in a fixed-text format, separate lines for each record are helpful. An end-of-line character makes the date more legible and clear. If you use delimited format defaults, an end-of-line character is automatic. However, for fixed-format unloads, you need to add an end-of-line character to your records. For example, consider a table with the following schema:
TABLE sample (
   lastname CHAR(10),
   firstname CHAR(10),
   dateofbirth DATE);
This table contains the following values:
Adams      Sam        10-02-1957
Smith      John       01-01-1920
Next, consider an external table with the following schema:
   lastname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
   firstname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
   dateofbirth DATE EXTERNAL CHAR(12));
Unloading sample_ext without an end-of-line character produces the following output:
Adams     Sam       10-02-1957  Smith     John      01-01-1920

You can add end-of-line characters by using a program or script, or by adding a newline field in a SELECT statement.

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