Variable-text searches

You can use the keywords LIKE and MATCHES for variable-text queries that are based on substring searches of fields. Include the keyword NOT to indicate the opposite condition.

The keyword LIKE complies with the ISO/ANSI standard for SQL, whereas MATCHES is the HCL Informix® extension.

Variable-text search strings can include the wildcard symbols that are listed with the keywords LIKE or MATCHES in the following table.
Keyword Symbol Explanation
LIKE % Evaluates to zero or more characters
LIKE _ Evaluates to a single character
LIKE \ Escapes special significance of next character
MATCHES * Evaluates to zero or more characters
MATCHES ? Evaluates to a single character (except null)
MATCHES [ ] Evaluates to a single character or range of values
MATCHES \ Escapes special significance of next character

You cannot test BLOB, CLOB, TEXT, or BYTE columns with the LIKE or MATCHES operators.

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