The INTO TEMP clause
By adding an INTO TEMP clause to your SELECT statement, you can temporarily save the results of a multiple-table query in a separate table that you can query or manipulate without modifying the database. Temporary tables are dropped when you end your SQL session or when your program or report terminates.
The following query
creates a temporary table called stockman and stores the results
of the query in it. Because all columns in a temporary table must
have names, the alias adj_price is required.
Figure 1. Query
SELECT DISTINCT stock_num, manu_name, description,
unit_price, unit_price * 1.05 adj_price
FROM stock, manufact
WHERE manufact.manu_code = stock.manu_code
INTO TEMP stockman;
SELECT * from stockman;
Figure 2. Query result
stock_num manu_name description unit_price adj_price
1 Hero baseball gloves $250.00 $262.5000
1 Husky baseball gloves $800.00 $840.0000
1 Smith baseball gloves $450.00 $472.5000
2 Hero baseball $126.00 $132.3000
3 Husky baseball bat $240.00 $252.0000
4 Hero football $480.00 $504.0000
4 Husky football $960.00 $1008.0000
306 Shimara tandem adapter $190.00 $199.5000
307 ProCycle infant jogger $250.00 $262.5000
308 ProCycle twin jogger $280.00 $294.0000
309 Hero ear drops $40.00 $42.0000
309 Shimara ear drops $40.00 $42.0000
310 Anza kick board $84.00 $88.2000
310 Shimara kick board $80.00 $84.0000
311 Shimara water gloves $48.00 $50.4000
312 Hero racer goggles $72.00 $75.6000
312 Shimara racer goggles $96.00 $100.8000
313 Anza swim cap $60.00 $63.0000
313 Shimara swim cap $72.00 $75.6000
You can query this table and join it with other tables, which avoids a multiple sort and lets you move more quickly through the database. For more information on temporary tables, see the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax and the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide.