The MONTH function

The following query uses the MONTH function to extract and show what month the customer call was received and resolved, and it uses display labels for the resulting columns. However, it does not make a distinction between years.
Figure 1. Query
SELECT customer_num,
   MONTH (call_dtime) call_month, 
   MONTH (res_dtime) res_month
   FROM cust_calls;
Figure 2. Query result
customer_num   call_month    res_month

         106            6            6
         110            7            7
         119            7            7
         121            7            7
         127            7             
         116           11           11
         116           12           12
The following query uses the MONTH function plus DAY and CURRENT to show what month the customer call was received and resolved if DAY is earlier than the current day.
Figure 3. Query
SELECT customer_num,
   MONTH (call_dtime) called, 
   MONTH (res_dtime) resolved
   FROM cust_calls
   WHERE DAY (res_dtime) < DAY (CURRENT); 
Figure 4. Query result
customer_num     called   resolved

         106          6          6
         119          7          7
         121          7          7

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