Collection-derived tables
A collection-derived table enables you to handle the elements of a collection expression as rows in a virtual table. Use the TABLE keyword in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement to create a collection-derived table. The database server supports collection-derived tables in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
following query uses a collection-derived table named c_table to
access elements from the sales column of the sales_rep table
in the superstores_demo database. The sales column is
a collection of an unnamed row type whose two fields, month and amount,
store sales data. The query returns an element for sales.amount when sales.month equals
98-03. Because the inner select is itself an expression, it cannot
return more than one column value per iteration of the outer query.
The outer query specifies how many rows of the sales_rep table
are evaluated.
Figure 1. Query
SELECT (SELECT c_table.amount FROM TABLE (sales_rep.sales) c_table
WHERE c_table.month = '98-03')
FROM sales_rep;
Figure 2. Query result
The following query uses a collection-derived table to
access elements from the sales collection column where the rep_num column
equals 102. With a collection-derived table, you can specify aliases
for the table and columns. If no table name is specified for a collection-derived
table, the database server creates one automatically. This example
specifies the derived column list s_month and s_amount for
the collection-derived table c_table.
Figure 3. Query
WHERE sales_rep.rep_num = 102)) c_table(s_month, s_amount);
Figure 4. Query result
s_month s_amount
1998-03 $53.22
1998-04 $18.22
The following query creates a collection-derived table
but does not specify a derived table or derived column names. The
query returns the same result as Figure 3 except
the derived columns assume the default field names of the sales column
in the sales_rep table.
Figure 5. Query
WHERE sales_rep.rep_num = 102));
Figure 6. Query result
month amount
1998-03 $53.22
1998-04 $18.22
Restriction: A collection-derived table is read-only,
so it cannot be the target table of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements
or the underlying table of an updatable cursor or view.
For a complete description of the syntax and restrictions on collection-derived tables, see the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.