What you can do with SPL routines

You can accomplish a wide range of objectives with SPL routines, including improving database performance, simplifying writing applications, and limiting or monitoring access to data.

Because an SPL routine is stored in an executable format, you can use it to execute frequently repeated tasks to improve performance. When you execute an SPL routine rather than straight SQL code, you can bypass repeated parsing, validity checking, and query optimization.

You can use an SPL routine in a data-manipulation SQL statement to supply values to that statement. For example, you can use a routine to perform the following actions:
  • Supply values to be inserted into a table
  • Supply a value that makes up part of a condition clause in a SELECT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement

These actions are two possible uses of a routine in a data-manipulation statement, but others exist. In fact, any expression in a data-manipulation SQL statement can consist of a routine call.

You can also issue SQL statements in an SPL routine to hide those SQL statements from a database user. Rather than having all users learn how to use SQL, one experienced SQL user can write an SPL routine to encapsulate an SQL activity and let others know that the routine is stored in the database so that they can execute it.

You can write an SPL routine to be run with the DBA privilege by a user who does not have the DBA privilege. This feature allows you to limit and control access to data in the database. Alternatively, an SPL routine can monitor the users who access certain tables or data. For more information about how to use SPL routines to control access to data, see the IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide.

You also can write SPL routines that use Dynamic SQL. For an overview with detailed examples of how to create and use prepared objects and Dynamic SQL in SPL routines, see this IBM® developerWorks® article: Dynamic SQL support in Informix® Dynamic Server Stored Procedure Language.

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