Guide to SQL: Tutorial

This publication shows how to use basic and advanced structured query language (SQL) to access and manipulate the data in your databases. It discusses the data manipulation language (DML) statements as well as triggers and stored procedure language (SPL) routines, which DML statements often use.

This publication is written for the following users:
  • Database users
  • Database administrators
  • Database-application programmers
This publication assumes that you have the following background:
  • A working knowledge of your computer, your operating system, and the utilities that your operating system provides
  • Some experience working with relational databases or exposure to database concepts
  • Some experience with computer programming

This publication is one of a series of publications that discusses the HCL Informix® implementation of SQL. The IBM® Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax contains all the syntax descriptions for SQL and SPL. The IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference provides reference information for aspects of SQL other than the language statements. The IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide shows how to use SQL to implement and manage your databases.

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