TSContainerUsageDormantWindowVTI Table

The TSContainerUsageDormantWindowVTI table is a virtual table that is based on the TSContainerWindowTable table. The TSContainerUsageDormantWindowVTI table has one row for each partition in the dormant window of a rolling window container.

Table 1. The columns in the TSContainerUsageDormantWindowVTI table
Column name Data type Description
name VARCHAR(128) The name of the rolling window container.
windowinterval VARCHAR(8) The size of the interval of each partition: year, month, week, or day.
activewindowsize INTEGER The number of partitions in the active window.
dormantwindowsize INTEGER The number of partitions in the dormant window.
windowspaces LVARCHAR(4096) The list of dbspaces in which partitions are stored.
tstamp DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5) The starting timestamp of the time range for the partition.
partition tsPartitionDesc_t The description of the partition.
container_size INTEGER The first extent size of the partitions.
container_grow INTEGER The next extent size of the partitions.
windowcontrol INTEGER A flag that indicates how active partitions are handled when they are manually or automatically detached:
  • 0 = Default. As many as necessary dormant partitions are destroyed.
  • 1 = As many as necessary existing dormant partitions and older active partitions are destroyed.
  • 2 = Dormant partitions are destroyed, but limited to the number specified by the windowdordestroycount value.
  • 3 (2 + 1) = Existing dormant partitions and older active partitions are destroyed, but limited to the number specified by the windowdordestroycount value.
windowdordestroycount INTEGER How many partitions can be destroyed in an operation if windowcontrol is 2 or 3.
  • 0 = Default. No dormant partitions are destroyed.
  • A positive integer = The maximum number of partitions that can be destroyed in an operation.

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