Adhere to coding standards

The SQL/PSM standard is available for UDR development. The most important rules govern the naming of data types and routines. DataBlade modules share these name spaces, so you must follow the naming guidelines to guarantee that no problems occur when you register multiple DataBlade modules in a single database.
Tip: It is recommended that you use the Informix® DataBlade Developers Kit (DBDK), Version 4.0 or later, to manage DataBlade development. It is especially important to use the SQL registration scripts that the DBDK generates so that BladeManager can correctly process DataBlade upgrades.

In addition, the standards for 64-bit clean implementation, safe function-calling practices, threadsafe development, and platform portability are important. Adherence to these standards ensures that UDR modules are portable across platforms.

Ask yourself the following questions when you code your UDR:
  • Do I obey all naming standards?
  • Is my design 64-bit clean and portable across platforms?
  • Is my design threadsafe?

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