Built-in data types
A built-in data type is a fundamental data type that the database server defines. A fundamental data type is atomic; that is, it cannot be broken into smaller pieces. Built-in data types serve as building blocks for other data types. The following table summarizes the built-in data types that the database server provides.
Data type | Category | Explanation |
BIGINT | Numeric | Stores integers from -(263 -1) to 263 -1, which is –9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, in eight bytes. |
BIGSERIAL | Numeric | Stores a sequential integer, of the BIGINT data type, that is assigned automatically by the database server when a new row is inserted. The behavior of the BIGSERIAL data type is similar to the SERIAL data type, but with a larger range. |
BLOB | Large object | Stores binary data in smart large objects in a format that supports random access |
BOOLEAN | Miscellaneous | Stores the Boolean values for true and false |
BYTE | Large object | Stores binary data in chunks that are not random access |
CHAR(n) | Character | Stores single-byte or multibyte sequences of characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols of fixed length Collation is code-set dependent. |
CHARACTER(n) | Character | Is a synonym for CHAR |
CHARACTER VARYING(m,r) | Character | Is an ANSI-compliant version of the VARCHAR data type |
CLOB | Large object | Stores text in smart large objects in a format that supports random access |
DATE | Time | Stores a calendar date |
DATETIME | Time | Stores a calendar date combined with the time of day |
DEC | Numeric | Is a synonym for DECIMAL |
DECIMAL(p) | Numeric | Stores numbers with definable scale and precision; is a floating-point data type |
DECIMAL(p,s) | Numeric | Stores numbers with definable scale and precision; is a fixed-point data type |
DOUBLE PRECISION | Numeric | Behaves the same way as FLOAT |
FLOAT(n) | Numeric | Stores double-precision floating-point numbers that correspond to the double data type in C (on most platforms) |
IDSSECURITYLABEL | Security | IsDISTINCT OF LVARCHAR, but see note below |
INT | Numeric | Is a synonym for INTEGER |
INT8 | Numeric | Stores an 8-byte integer value These whole numbers can be in the range -(263-1) to 263-1. |
INTEGER | Numeric | Stores whole numbers from -(231-1) to 231-1 |
INTERVAL | Time | Stores a span of time |
LVARCHAR(m) | Character | Stores single-byte or multibyte strings of letters,
numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum of 32,739 bytes
If you do not specify a maximum size, the default is 2048 bytes. LVARCHAR is also the external storage format for opaque data types. Collation is code-set dependent. |
MONEY(p,s) | Numeric | Stores a currency amount |
NCHAR(n) | Character | Stores single-byte and multibyte sequences of characters,
including letters, numbers, and symbols Collation is locale dependent. For more information, see the IBM® Informix® GLS User's Guide. |
NUMERIC(p,s) | Numeric | Is a synonym for DECIMAL |
NVARCHAR(m,r) | Character | Stores single-byte and multibyte sequences of characters,
including letters, numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum
of 255 bytes Collation is locale dependent. For more information, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide. |
REAL | Numeric | Is a synonym for SMALLFLOAT |
SERIAL | Numeric | Stores sequential integers; has the same range of positive values as INTEGER |
SERIAL8 | Numeric | Stores large sequential integers; has the same range of positive values as INT8 |
SMALLFLOAT | Numeric | Stores single-precision floating-point numbers that correspond to the float data type in C (on most platforms) |
SMALLINT | Numeric | Stores whole numbers from -(215-1) to 215-1 |
TEXT | Large object | Stores text data in chunks that are not random access |
VARCHAR(m,r) | Character | Stores single-byte or multibyte strings of letters,
numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum of 255 bytes Collation is code-set dependent. |