Built-in data types

A built-in data type is a fundamental data type that the database server defines. A fundamental data type is atomic; that is, it cannot be broken into smaller pieces. Built-in data types serve as building blocks for other data types. The following table summarizes the built-in data types that the database server provides.

Table 1. Built-in data types
Data type Category Explanation
BIGINT Numeric Stores integers from -(263 -1) to 263 -1, which is –9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, in eight bytes.
BIGSERIAL Numeric Stores a sequential integer, of the BIGINT data type, that is assigned automatically by the database server when a new row is inserted. The behavior of the BIGSERIAL data type is similar to the SERIAL data type, but with a larger range.
BLOB Large object Stores binary data in smart large objects in a format that supports random access
BOOLEAN Miscellaneous Stores the Boolean values for true and false
BYTE Large object Stores binary data in chunks that are not random access
CHAR(n) Character Stores single-byte or multibyte sequences of characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols of fixed length Collation is code-set dependent.
CHARACTER(n) Character Is a synonym for CHAR
CHARACTER VARYING(m,r) Character Is an ANSI-compliant version of the VARCHAR data type
CLOB Large object Stores text in smart large objects in a format that supports random access
DATE Time Stores a calendar date
DATETIME Time Stores a calendar date combined with the time of day
DEC Numeric Is a synonym for DECIMAL
DECIMAL(p) Numeric Stores numbers with definable scale and precision; is a floating-point data type
DECIMAL(p,s) Numeric Stores numbers with definable scale and precision; is a fixed-point data type
DOUBLE PRECISION Numeric Behaves the same way as FLOAT
FLOAT(n) Numeric Stores double-precision floating-point numbers that correspond to the double data type in C (on most platforms)
INT Numeric Is a synonym for INTEGER
INT8 Numeric Stores an 8-byte integer value

These whole numbers can be in the range -(263-1) to 263-1.

INTEGER Numeric Stores whole numbers from -(231-1) to 231-1
INTERVAL Time Stores a span of time
LVARCHAR(m) Character Stores single-byte or multibyte strings of letters, numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum of 32,739 bytes

If you do not specify a maximum size, the default is 2048 bytes.

LVARCHAR is also the external storage format for opaque data types. Collation is code-set dependent.

MONEY(p,s) Numeric Stores a currency amount
NCHAR(n) Character Stores single-byte and multibyte sequences of characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols

Collation is locale dependent. For more information, see the IBM® Informix® GLS User's Guide.

NUMERIC(p,s) Numeric Is a synonym for DECIMAL
NVARCHAR(m,r) Character Stores single-byte and multibyte sequences of characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum of 255 bytes

Collation is locale dependent. For more information, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide.

REAL Numeric Is a synonym for SMALLFLOAT
SERIAL Numeric Stores sequential integers; has the same range of positive values as INTEGER
SERIAL8 Numeric Stores large sequential integers; has the same range of positive values as INT8
SMALLFLOAT Numeric Stores single-precision floating-point numbers that correspond to the float data type in C (on most platforms)
SMALLINT Numeric Stores whole numbers from -(215-1) to 215-1
TEXT Large object Stores text data in chunks that are not random access
VARCHAR(m,r) Character Stores single-byte or multibyte strings of letters, numbers, and symbols of varying length to a maximum of 255 bytes

Collation is code-set dependent.

Note: Despite its DISTINCT OF LVARCHAR definition, type IDSSECURITYLABEL is not classified here in the Character category, because rather than storing text data, a column of this type stores a label that associates its table with a label-based access control (LBAC) security policy. In databases that support LBAC, this can apply row-level protection or column-level protection (or both) to all the data types in the table.

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