Execute purpose functions

When an SQL statement or oncheck command specifies a virtual table, the database server executes one or more access-method purpose functions.

A single SQL command might involve a combination of the following purposes:
  • Open a connection, file, or smart large object
  • Create a table
  • Scan and select data
  • Insert, delete, or update data
  • Drop a table
  • Close the connection, file, or smart large object
A single oncheck request requires at least the following actions:
  • Open a connection, file, or smart large object
  • Check the integrity of a table
  • Close the connection, file, or smart large object
The example in Table 2 specifies only the am_getnext purpose for the super_access access method. A SELECT statement on a virtual-table that uses super_access initiates the following database server actions:
  1. Gets the function name for am_getnext that the super_access entry in sysams specifies; in this case get_next_record().
  2. Gets the external file name of the executable file from the get_next_record() entry in the sysprocedures catalog.
    The CREATE FUNCTION statement assigns the executable file as follows:
    Operating system External executable-file name
    UNIX or Linux $INFORMIXDIR/extend/am_lib.bld(get_next_record)
    Windows %INFORMIXDIR%\extend\am_lib.bld(get_next_record)
  3. Allocates memory for the descriptors that the database server passes by reference through get_next_record() to the access method.
  4. Executes the am_getnext purpose function, get_next_record().

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