The CREATE TABLE statement for the dimension and fact tables

This section includes the CREATE TABLE statements that you use to create the tables of the sales_demo dimensional database.

Referential integrity is, of course, an important requirement for dimensional databases. However, the following schema for the sales_demo database does not define the primary and foreign key relationships that exist between the fact table and its dimension tables. The schema does not define these primary and foreign key relationships because data-loading performance improves dramatically when the database server does not enforce constraint checking. Given that data warehousing environments often require that tens or hundreds of gigabytes of data are loaded within a specified time, data-load performance should be a factor when you decide how to implement a database in a warehousing environment. Assume that if the sales_demo database is implemented as a live data mart, some data extraction tool (rather than the database server) is used to enforce referential integrity between the fact table and dimension tables.
Tip: After you create and load a table, you can add primary key and foreign key constraints to the table with the ALTER TABLE statement to enforce referential integrity. This method is required only for express load mode. If the constraints and indexes are necessary and costly to drop before a load, then deluxe load mode is the best option.
The following statements create the time, geography, product, and customer tables. These tables are the dimensions for the sales fact table. A SERIAL field serves as the primary key for the district_code column of the geography table.
time_code     INT,
order_date    DATE,
month_code    SMALLINT,
month_name    CHAR(10),
quarter_code  SMALLINT,
quarter_name  CHAR(10),

CREATE TABLE geography 
district_code  SERIAL,
district_name  CHAR(15),
state_code     CHAR(2),
state_name     CHAR(18),
region         SMALLINT

CREATE TABLE product (
product_code   INTEGER,
product_name   CHAR(31),
vendor_code    CHAR(3),
vendor_name    CHAR(15),
product_line_code  SMALLINT,
product_line_name  CHAR(15)

CREATE TABLE customer (
customer_code  INTEGER,
customer_name  CHAR(31),
company_name   CHAR(20)
The sales fact table has pointers to each dimension table. For example, customer_code references the customer table, district_code references the geography table, and so forth. The sales table also contains the measures for the units sold, revenue, cost, and net profit.
customer_code  INTEGER,
district_code  SMALLINT,
time_code      INTEGER,
product_code   INTEGER,
units_sold     SMALLINT,
revenue        MONEY(8,2),
cost           MONEY(8,2),
net_profit     MONEY(8,2)
Tip: The most useful measures (facts) are numeric and additive. Because of the great size of databases in data-warehousing environments, virtually every query against the fact table might require thousands or millions of records to construct a result set. The only useful way to compress these records is to aggregate them. In the sales table, each column for the measures is defined on a numeric data type, so you can easily build result sets from the units_sold, revenue, cost, and net_profit columns.

For your convenience, the file called createdw.sql contains all the preceding CREATE TABLE statements.

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