Implementing a dimensional data model and loading data with Informix Warehouse

You can use the Design Studio provided with Informix® Warehouse to create a physical data model of your dimensional database based on your relational database. You can specify how to extract, transform, and load the data from your relational database to your dimensional database.

For specific instructions on how to install and use Design Studio and other Informix Warehouse tools, see the Data warehousing and analytics node in the Informix information center.
To implement a dimensional data model and load data using Design Studio:
  1. Start Design Studio and create a new project.
  2. Create connections to your existing relational database and the dimensional database that you will create.
  3. Create a physical data model for the dimensional database. For example, you can:
    • Reverse engineer the model based on the relational database schema.
    • Manually create a model.
  4. Design data flows that represent the movement of data from the source, through a series of transform operations, and into the target system.
  5. Design control flows that define processing rules for the execution of a set of related data flows.

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