Informix Warehouse Accelerator architecture options
There are several approaches that you can use to integrate Informix® Warehouse Accelerator into your current system architecture.
You can install the accelerator server on the same computer as your Informix database server, on a separate computer, or on a cluster. There must be a TCP/IP connection between the database server and the accelerator server. If the accelerator server is installed on the same computer as the database server, the connection must be a local loop-back TCP/IP connection.
If the Informix database server is installed in a high-availability cluster environment, you can also reduce the workload on the primary server by using one or more of the secondary servers to accelerate queries. You can also install the accelerator server on a secondary server.
The query optimizer on the database server identifies which data warehouse queries can be accelerated and sends those queries to the accelerator server. The result set is sent back to the database server, which passes the result set back to the client. If the query cannot be processed by the accelerator server, the query is processed on the database server.
The accelerator server and the database server on the same computer
The accelerator server and the database server on different computers
The accelerator server installed on a cluster system
The following figure shows the accelerator server installed on a cluster and the database server installed on a separate computer.