Configuring Informix Warehouse Accelerator

You must configure the Informix® Warehouse Accelerator before you can enable query acceleration and set up the connection between the accelerator server and the database server.

Configure the accelerator server by identifying the network interface, creating a storage directory, and editing the dwainst.conf configuration file:

  1. On the computer where the accelerator server is installed, log on as user root.
  2. Determine the correct network interface value to use for the connection from the Informix database server to the accelerator server:
    1. Run the Linux ifconfig system command to retrieve the information about the network devices on your system.
    2. Review the output with your system administrator and network administrator and select the appropriate value to use. Examples of network interface values are: eth0, lo, peth0. The default value is lo.
      Important: If the accelerator server is installed on a separate computer than the Informix database server, you cannot use the local loopback value.
  3. Create a directory to use as the accelerator server storage directory. Create this directory with enough space to store the accelerator server catalog, data marts, logs, traces, and so on. Because the amount of data in the accelerator server storage directory might increase significantly, do not create the accelerator server storage directory in the accelerator server installation directory. You will specify the file path for this directory in the value for the DWADIR parameter in the dwainst.conf file.
  4. Open the $IWA_INSTALL_DIR/dwa/etc/dwainst.conf configuration file. Review and edit the values in the dwainst.conf configuration file.
    Important: Specify the network interface value for the DRDA_INTERFACE parameter in the dwainst.conf file.
  5. Run the ondwa setup command to create the files and subdirectories that are required to run the accelerator server.
  6. Run the ondwa start command to start all of the accelerator server nodes.

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