Java classes for Informix Warehouse Accelerator

Informix® Warehouse Accelerator includes a set of Java™ classes that you can use from the command line or in an application.

You can use the Java classes to create and drop data marts, update connectivity information between the Informix database server and the accelerator server, and more. You can use the classes to automate the steps for refreshing the data stored in the data marts. Instead of dropping and re-creating the data marts manually, you can create an application that runs when it is convenient for your organization.

You must have permissions to run the Java classes.

The files for the Java classes are in this directory: dwa/example/cli. The directory includes the following files:

Template for the connection properties file.
Lists the requirements and setup steps with examples. Also lists the classes and usage.
Provides the full syntax for all the classes. Includes recommendations and example XML schemas.
Lists the messages in numerical order. These messages are not exclusive to the Java classes. They might be displayed when you use other administration tools for Informix Warehouse Accelerator.
Contains the executable code for the Java classes.
Template for setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.

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