ifx_getdwaMetrics() function
The ifx_getdwaMetrics() function returns metrics about an accelerator.
- accelerator_name
- The name of the accelerator.
The ifx_getdwaMetrics() function returns a set of unnamed rows. Each row corresponds to a metric of the accelerator. The rows have the following columns:- group
- The group that the metric belongs to. The possible values are 'Cluster', 'Coordinator',
or 'Worker' .
- The Cluster group has metrics about hardware clusters.
- The Coordinator group has metrics about coordinator nodes.
- The Worker group has metrics about worker nodes.
- name
- The name of the metric. For example, 'DWAWNODE'.
- desc
- The description of the metric. For example, 'Number of active worker nodes'.
- unit
- The unit of the metric. For example, 'nodes', 'queries', 'cores', 'MB', 'ms', '%', or 'BogoMIPS'.
- value
- The value of the metric represented as either a text or numeric value.
To view the complete set of rows that are returned by ifx_getdwaMetrics() function sorted by group and name, but not including the value, use the following statement:
SELECT c.group,c.name,c.desc,c.unit FROM table(ifx_getdwaMetrics('myAccelerator'))
(c) order by 1,2;
The following table shows the groups and their associated metric names, descriptions, and units.
Group | Metric name | Description | Unit |
Cluster | DWASTATE | Cluster state | The unit is one of the following states:
Cluster | DWACPCBM | Cluster processing capacity | BogoMIPS |
Cluster | DWACPCCP | Number of cores within the cluster | cores |
Cluster | DWASTORA | Available storage on disk | MB |
Cluster | DWASTORU | Used storage on disk | MB |
Coordinator | DWACNODE | Number of active coordinator nodes | nodes |
Coordinator | DWACCPU | Average CPU utilization on the coordinator nodes | % |
Coordinator | DWACPMUA | Physical memory available on the coordinator nodes | MB |
Coordinator | DWACPMUU | Physical memory in use on the coordinator nodes | MB |
Coordinator | DWASFREQ | Number of successful query requests since the cluster was started | queries |
Coordinator | DWAFFREQ | Number of failed queries since the cluster was started | queries |
Coordinator | DWAISREQ | Number of failed query requests due to an invalid state | queries |
Worker | DWAWNODE | Number of active worker nodes | nodes |
Worker | DWAWCPU | Average CPU utilization on the worker nodes | % |
Worker | DWAWPMUA | Physical memory available on the worker nodes | MB |
Worker | DWAWPMUU | Physical memory in use on worker nodes | MB |
Worker | DWAQQUEL | Average query queue length | queries |
Worker | DWAQUEHM | Query queue length high-water mark | queries |
Worker | DWAWSMDA | Shared memory available | MB |
Worker | DWAWSMDU | Average shared memory used | MB |
Worker | DWAWSMDM | Maximum shared memory used | MB |
Worker | DWADIMRT | The ratio between replicated and distributed data | % |
Worker | DWAAQQWT | Average query queue wait time | ms (microseconds) |
Worker | DWAQWTHW | Query queue wait time high-water mark | ms (microseconds) |
The following example shows how to convert the returned result set into a table expression.
SELECT c.* FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccelerator')) (c);
The following example shows how to select all metrics for the worker nodes.
SELECT c.* FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccel')) (c)
WHERE c.group='Worker';
The following example shows how to select the value and the unit of the metric that is named 'DWAWNODE'.
SELECT c.value, c.unit FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccel')) (c)