TCP/IP connectivity files
When you configure the database server to use the TCP/IP network protocol, you use information from the hosts and services files to prepare the sqlhosts information.
The hosts file requires a single entry for each network-controller card that connects a computer running HCL Informix® client/server products on the network. Each entry in the file contains the IP address (or ethernet card address) and host name. You can also include the host alias. Although the length of the host name is not limited in the hosts file, the HCL Informix database server limits the host name to 256 bytes.
#address hostname alias
98.555.43.21 odyssey illiad sales
- Service name
HCL Informix products use this name to determine the port number and protocol for making client/server connections. The service name is limited to 128 bytes.
- Port number and connection protocol, separated by a forward slash
( / ) character
The port number is the computer port, and the protocol for TCP/IP is tcp.
The operating system imposes restrictions on the port number. User informix must use a port number equal to or greater than 1024. Only root users are allowed to use a port number lower than 1024.
- Host Aliases (optional)
#servicename port/protocol
server2 1526/tcp
This entry makes server2 known as the service name for TCP port 1526. A database server can then use this port to service connection requests.
The hosts and services files must be available to each computer that runs HCL Informix client/server products.
- The hosts and services files are in the /etc directory.
- On systems that use NIS, the hosts and services files
are maintained on the NIS server. The hosts and services files
that are on your local computer might not be used and might not be
up to date. To view the contents of the NIS files, enter the following
commands on the command line:
ypcat hosts ypcat services
- The hosts and services files are in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\.
- You might want to configure TCP/IP to use the Domain Name Service (DNS) for host name resolutions.
- The Dynamic Host Configuration Product (DHCP) dynamically assigns IP addresses from a pool of addresses instead of using IP addresses that are explicitly assigned to each workstation. If your system uses DHCP, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is required. DHCP is transparent to the database server.