Connection information set in the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter
The DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter lets you assign additional dbserver names to the same database server.
DBSERVERNAME sockets_srvr
DBSERVERALIASES ipx_srvr,shm_srvr
shm_srvr onipcshm my_host my_shm
sockets_srvr onsoctcp my_host port1
ipx_srvr ontlispx nw_file_server ipx_srvr
CONNECT TO '@shm_srvr'
CONNECT TO '@sockets_srvr'
DBSERVERALIASES must begin with a lowercase letter and can contain other lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. DBSERVERALIASES must not include uppercase characters, a field delimiter (space or tab), or a new line character. Other characters from the basic ASCII code set are not necessarily reliable. For example, a hyphen or minus sign can create problems and a colon might not work reliably. The @ character is reserved to separate the database from the server (as in dbase@server).
In the previous examples, the @shm_srvr statement connects to an unidentified database at that server; alternatively, you can connect to dbase1@shm_srvr.
You can configure DBSERVERALIASES connections as SSL connections, and you can have a mix of SSL and non-SSL connections.