Multiple connection types
A single instance of the database server can provide more than one type of connection.
The following figure illustrates a configuration with more than one type of connection. The database server is on host river. Client A connects to the database server with a shared-memory connection because shared memory is fast. Client B must use a network connection because the client and server are on different computers.
When you want the database server to accept more than one type
of connection, you must take the following actions:
- Add DBSERVERNAME and DBSERVERALIASES entries in the onconfig file.
- Add an sqlhosts entry for each database server/connection type pair.
For the configuration in the following figure, the database server
has two dbserver names: river_net and river_shm. The onconfig file
includes the following entries:
Figure 1. An example of a UNIX client/server configuration that uses multiple
connection types
The dbserver name used by a client application determines the type
of connection that is used. Client A uses the following statement
to connect to the database server:
CONNECT TO '@river_shm'
In the sqlhosts file, the nettype associated with the name river_shm specifies a shared-memory connection, so this connection is a shared-memory connection.
Client B uses the following statement to connect to the database
CONNECT TO '@river_net'
In the sqlhosts file, the nettype value associated with river_net specifies a network (TCP/IP) connection, so Client B uses a network connection.