Temporary sbspaces
Use a temporary sbspace to store temporary smart large objects without metadata logging and user-data logging.
If you store temporary smart large objects in a standard sbspace, the metadata is logged. Temporary sbspaces are similar to temporary dbspaces. To create a temporary sbspace, use the onspaces -c -S command with the -t option. For more information, see Creating a temporary sbspace.
You can store temporary large objects in a standard sbspace or
temporary sbspace.
- If you specify a temporary sbspace in the SBSPACETEMP parameter, you can store temporary smart large objects there.
- If you specify a standard sbspace in the SBSPACENAME parameter, you can store temporary and permanent smart large objects there.
- If you specify a temporary sbspace name in the CREATE TEMP TABLE statement, you can store temporary smart large objects there.
- If you specify a permanent sbspace name in the CREATE TABLE statement, you can store temporary smart large objects there.
- If you omit the SBSPACETEMP and SBSPACENAME parameters and create a smart large object, error message -12053 might display.
- If you specify a temporary sbspace in the SBSPACENAME parameter, you cannot store a permanent smart large object in that sbspace. You can store temporary smart large objects in that sbspace.