Manage the database-logging mode
You can monitor and modify the database-logging mode.
The topics in this section provide information
- Understanding database-logging mode
- Modifying database-logging mode with ondblog
- Modifying database-logging mode with ontape
- Monitoring transaction logging
As a database server administrator, you can alter the logging mode
of a database as follows:
- Change transaction logging from buffered to unbuffered.
- Change transaction logging from unbuffered to buffered.
- Make a database ANSI compliant.
- Add transaction logging (buffered or unbuffered) to a database.
- End transaction logging for a database.
For information about database-logging mode, when to use transaction logging, and when to buffer transaction logging, see Logging. To find out the current logging mode of a database, see Monitor the logging mode of a database.
For information about using SQL administration API commands instead of some ondblog and ontape commands, see Remote administration with the SQL administration API and the HCL Informix® Administrator's Reference.