This example shows the steps to configure CM to listen for SSL connection using the
OpenSSL encryption library.
Use the openssl utility of your OpenSSL installation.
- Create a private key for the self-signed certificate:
$ openssl genrsa -out cm1key.pem
Create the self-signed certificate using the private key $ openssl req -new -x509 -key cm1key.pem -subj "CN=`hostname`" -days 3650 -out cm1cert.pem
Put the private key and the self-signed certificate into a single PEM file $ cat cm1key.pem cm1cert.pem > filewithcertificatetoimport.pem
- Create the keystore file to contain the private key and certificate that are contained in a PEM
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in filewithcertificatetoimport.pem -name cm1ListeningCert -passout pass:test -out cm1.p12
- Create the stash file to contain the encrypted keystore password:
onkstash cm1.p12 test
- In cm1's config file set "SSL_LABEL" to the certificate's label:
SSL_LABEL cm1ListeningCert