Logical-log record types and additional columns
In addition to the six header columns that display for every record, some record types display additional columns of information. The information that appears varies, depending on record type.
The following table lists all the record types and their additional columns.
The Action column indicates the type of database server action that generated the log entry. The Additional Columns and Format columns describe what information appears for each record type in addition to the header described in Logical-Log Record Header.
Record Type | Action | Additional Columns and Format |
ADDCHK | Add chunk. |
ADDDBS | Add dbspace. |
ADDITEM | Add item to index. |
ADDLOG | Add log. |
ALLOCGENPG | Allocate a generic page. |
ALTERDONE | Alter of fragment complete. |
ALTSPCOLSNEW | Changed columns in an alter table. |
ALTSPCOLSOLD | Changed columns in an alter table. |
BADIDX | Bad index |
BEGCOM | Begin commit. |
BEGIN | Begin work. |
BEGPREP | Written by the coordinator database server to record the start of the two-phase commit protocol. |
BEGWORK | Begin a transaction. |
BFRMAP | Simple-large-object free-map change. |
BLDCL | Build tblspace. |
BMAPFULL | Bitmap modified to prepare for alter. |
BMAP2TO4 | 2-bit bitmap altered to two 4-bit bitmaps. |
BSPADD | Add blobspace. |
BTCPYBCK | Copy back child key to parent. |
BTMERGE | Merge B-tree nodes. |
BTSHUFFL | Shuffle B-tree nodes. |
BTSPLIT | Split B-tree node. |
CDINDEX | Create detached index. |
CDR | Captures the set of table columns modified by
an update statement such as a bitvector. This log record allows Enterprise Replication to capture
only the changed data to avoid transmitting the unchanged columns
to a target site. In the example, the first six columns of the table are unchanged (6 leftmost bits in the bitvector are 0), the seventh and eighth columns have been updated (seventh and eighth bits are 1), and so on. The onlog output displays as many bits of bitvector as fit in a single line of the output. To see the entire bitvector displayed in hexadecimal, use the onlog -l command. |
Sample onlog output for CDR log record:
CHALLOC | Chunk extent allocation. |
CHCOMBINE | Chunk extent combine. |
CHFREE | Chunk extent free. |
CHKADJUP | Update chunk adjunct on disk. The database server writes this record when it moves space from the reserved area to the metadata or user-data area or when the user adds an sbspace chunk. |
CHPHYLOG | Change physical-log location. |
CHRESERV | Reserve extent for metadata stealing. This record is written when you add an sbspace chunk. |
CHSPLIT | Chunk extent split. |
CINDEX | Create index. |
COARSELOCK | Coarse-grain locking |
CKPOINT | Checkpoint. |
CLR | Compensation-log record; created during a rollback. |
CLUSIDX | Create clustered index. |
COLREPAI | Adjust BYTE, TEXT, or VARCHAR column. |
COMMIT | Commit work. |
COMTAB | Compact slot table on a page. |
COMWORK | End a transaction and commit work. |
DELETE | Delete before-image. |
DELITEM | Delete item from index. |
DERASE | Drop tblspace in down dbspace. |
DFADDEXT | New extent is added. |
DFDRPEXT | Drop the original extent. |
DFEND | End of defragment operation. |
DFMVPG | Move page from old extent to new extent. |
DFREMDUM | Remove the dummy entries. |
DFSTART | Start of defragment operation. |
DINDEX | Drop index. |
DRPBSP | Drop blobspace. |
DRPCHK | Drop chunk. |
DRPDBS | Drop dbspace. |
DRPLOG | Drop log. |
ENDTRANS | Written by both the coordinator and participant
database servers to record the end of the transaction. ENDTRANS instructs
the database server to remove the transaction entry from its shared-memory
transaction table and close the transaction. In the coordinator logical log, each BEGPREP that results in a committed transaction is paired with an ENDTRANS record. If the final decision of the coordinator is to roll back the transaction, no ENDTRANS record is written. In the participant logical log, each ENDTRANS record is paired with a corresponding HEURTX record. |
ERASE | Drop tblspace. |
FREE_RE | Allocate extent from reserve extent to metadata or user-data area of an sbspace chunk. |
HDELETE | Delete home row. |
HEURTX | Written by a participant database server to record a heuristic decision to roll back the transaction. It should be associated with a standard ROLLBACK record indicating that the transaction was rolled back. |
HINSERT | Home row insert. |
HUPAFT | Home row update, after-image. |
HUPBEF | Home row update, before-image. In addition,
the flag field of the HUPBEF header may include the following values:
HUPDATE | If the home row update before-images and after-images
can both fit into a single page, the database server writes a single
HUPDATE record. In addition, the flag field of the HUPDATE log
may include the following values:
IDXFLAGS | Index flags. |
INSERT | Insert after-image. |
ISOSPCOMMIT | Log an isolated save-point commit. |
LCKLVL | Locking mode (page or row). |
LG_ADDBPOOL | Add a buffer pool online. |
PTRUNCATE | Identifies an intention to truncate a table. The partitions are marked to be dropped or reused, according to the specified command option. |
TRUNCATE | TRUNCATE has freed the extents and the transaction will be committed. |
MVIDXND | Index node moved to allow for 2-bit to 4-bit bitmap conversion. |
PBDELETE | Delete tblspace blobpage. |
PBINSERT | Insert tblspace blobpage. |
PDINDEX | Predrop index. |
PGALTER | Page altered in place. |
PGMODE | Page mode modified in bitmap. |
PERASE | Preerase old file. Mark a table that is to be dropped. The database server frees the space on the commit. |
PNGPALIGN8 | Use the pages in this tblspace as generic pages. |
PNLOCKID | Change tblspaces lockid. |
PNSIZES | Set tblspace extent sizes. |
PREPARE | Written by a participant database server to record the ability of the participant to commit the transaction, if so instructed. |
PTADESC | Add alter description information. |
PTALTER | Alter of fragment begun. |
PTALTNEWKEYD | Update key descriptors in a tblspace header after an alter table command. |
PTALTOLDKEYD | Update key descriptors after an alter table command. |
PTCOLUMN | Add special columns to fragment. |
PTEXTEND | Tblspace extend. |
PTRENAME | Rename table. |
RDELETE | Remainder page delete. |
RENDBS | Rename dbspace. |
REVERT | Logs the reversion of a database space to a database space of an earlier version. |
RINSERT | Remainder page insert. |
ROLLBACK | Rollback work. |
ROLWORK | End a transaction and roll back work. |
RSVEXTEND | Logs the extension to the reserved pages. |
RTREE | Logs inserts and deletions for R-tree index
pages. (Other operations on R-tree indexes are physically logged.)
The record subtypes are:
RUPAFT | Remainder page update, after-image. |
RUPBEF | Remainder page update, before-image. |
RUPDATE | If the remainder page update before-images and after-images can both fit into a single page, the database server writes a single RUPDATE record. |
SBLOB | Indicates a subsystem log record for a smart
large object. The various record subtypes are:
SYNC | Written to a logical-log file if that log file is empty and administrator instructs the database server to switch to next log file. |
TABLOCKS | Written by either a coordinator or a participant database server. It is associated with either a BEGPREP or a PREPARE record and contains a list of the locked tblspaces (by tblspace number) held by the transaction. (In a distributed transaction, transactions are shown as the owners of locks.) |
UDINSERT | Append new user data. |
UDUPAFT | Update user data after-image if a UDWRITE is too expensive. |
UDUPBEF | Update user-data before-image if a UDWRITE is too expensive. |
UDWRITE | Update user data (difference image). |
UNDO | Header record to a series of transactions to be rolled back. |
UNDOBLDC | This record is written if a CREATE TABLE statement should be rolled back but cannot be because the relevant chunk is down. When the log file is replayed, the table will be dropped. |
UNIQID | Logged when a new SERIAL value is assigned to a row. |
UNIQ8ID | Logged when a new SERIAL8 value is assigned to a row. |
UPDAFT | Update after-image. |
UPDBEF | Update before-image. |
XAPREPARE | Participant can commit this XA transaction. |