oncheck utility syntax

The oncheck utility checks specified disk structures for inconsistencies, repairs inconsistent index structures, and displays information about disk structures.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
            |                     (1) |   
            '-|  -FILE option   |-----'   

>--+-+- -ce-+-------------------------------------------------------------------+-->
   | +- -pe-+                                                                   |   
   | +- -cr-+                                                                   |   
   | +- -pr-+                                                                   |   
   | +- -cR-+                                                                   |   
   | '- -pR-'                                                                   |   
   +-+- -ci-+--+-----+--database--+---------------------------------------+-----+   
   | +- -cl-+  '- -x-'            '-:--+--------+--table--+-------------+-'     |   
   | +- -pk-+                          '-owner.-'         '-#index_name-'       |   
   | +- -pK-+                                                                   |   
   | +- -pl-+                                                                   |   
   | '- -pL-'                                                                   |   
   +-+- -cd-+--database--+--------------------------------------+---------------+   
   | '- -cD-'            '-:--+--------+--table--+------------+-'               |   
   |                          '-owner.-'         +-,frag_dbs--+                 |   
   |                                             '-%frag_part-'                 |   
   +-+- -cc-+--+----------+-----------------------------------------------------+   
   | '- -pc-'  '-database-'                                                     |   
   +-+- -pB-+--database--+-------------------------------------+----------------+   
   | +- -pt-+            '-:--+--------+--table--+-----------+-'                |   
   | '- -pT-'                 '-owner.-'         '-,frag_dbs-'                  |   
   +-+- -pd-+--+-database--+------------------------------------------------+-+-+   
   | '- -pD-'  |           '-:--+--------+--table--+-----------+--+-------+-' | |   
   |           |                '-owner.-'         '-,frag_dbs-'  '-rowid-'   | |   
   |           '-tblspacenum--+-----------------+-----------------------------' |   
   |                          '-logical pagenum-'                               |   
   +- -pp--+-database--:--+--------+--table--+-----------+--rowid-+-------------+   
   |       |              '-owner.-'         '-,frag_dbs-'        |             |   
   |       '-tblspacenum--logical pagenum-------------------------'             |   
   +- -pP--chunknum--logical pagenum--------------------------------------------+   
   +-+- -cs-+--+---------+------------------------------------------------------+   
   | '- -cS-'  '-sbspace-'                                                      |   
   +-+- -ps-+--+---------------------------+------------------------------------+   
   | '- -pS-'  '-sbspace--partnum--pagenum-'                                    |   
   +- -u--option--+------------------+------------------------------------------+   
   |              '-(--arg_string--)-'                                          |   
     +- -V-------+                                                                  
     '- -version-'                                                                  

   +- -n-+  '- -q-'   
   '- -y-'            

  1. See The -FILE option.
Element Purpose Key Considerations
-cc Checks system catalog tables for the specified database See oncheck -cc and-pc: Check system catalog tables.
-cd Reads all pages except simple large objects from the tblspace for the specified database, table, or fragment and checks each page for consistency

Also checks tables that use a user-defined access method

Does not check simple or smart large objects.

See oncheck -cd and oncheck -cD commands: Check pages.

-cD Same as -cd but also reads the header of each blobpage and checks it for consistency Checks simple large objects but not smart large objects.

See oncheck -cd and oncheck -cD commands: Check pages

-ce Checks each chunk-free list and corresponding free space and each tblspace extent. Also checks smart-large-object extents and sbspace metadata The oncheck process verifies that the extents on disk correspond to the current control information that describes them.

See oncheck -ce, -pe: Check the chunk-free list. For background information, see Next-Extent Allocation.

-ci Checks the ordering of key values and the consistency of horizontal and vertical node links for all indexes associated with the specified table

Also checks indexes that use a user-defined access method

See oncheck -ci and -cI: Check index node links.
-cI Same as -ci but also checks that the key value tied to a rowid in an index is the same as the key value in the row See oncheck -ci and -cI: Check index node links.
-cr Checks each of the root dbspace reserved pages for several conditions See oncheck -cr and -cR: Check reserved pages.
-cR Checks the root dbspace reserved pages, physical-log pages, and logical-log pages See oncheck -cr and -cR: Check reserved pages
-cs Checks smart large object and sbspace metadata for an sbspace See oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces.
-cS Checks smart large object and sbspace metadata for an sbspace as well as extents See oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces.
sbspace Indicates optional sbspace name

If not supplied, all sbspaces are checked.

-n Indicates that no index repair should be performed, even if errors are detected Use with the index repair options (-ci, -cI, -pk, -pK, -pl, and -pL).
-pB Displays statistics that describe the average fullness of blobspace blobpages in a specified table These statistics provide a measure of storage efficiency for individual simple large objects in a database or table. If a table or fragment is not specified, statistics are displayed for the entire database.

See oncheck -pB: Display blobspace statistics. For information about optimizing blobspace blobpage size, see the chapter on managing disk space in the HCL Informix Administrator's Guide.

-pc Same as -cc but also displays the system catalog information as it checks the system catalog tables, including extent use for each table None.
-pd Displays rows in hexadecimal format See oncheck -pd and pD: Display rows in hexadecimal format.
-pD Displays rows in hexadecimal format and simple-large-object values stored in the tblspace or header information for smart large objects stored in an sbspace sbpage and simple large objects stored in a blobspace blobpage See oncheck -pd and pD: Display rows in hexadecimal format.
-pe Same as -ce but also displays the chunk and tblspace extent information as it checks the chunk free list, the corresponding free space, and each tblspace extent See oncheck -ce, -pe: Check the chunk-free list.
-pk Same as -ci but also displays the key values for all indexes on the specified table as it checks them See oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information.
-pK Same as -cI but also displays the key values and rowids as it checks them See oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information.
-pl Same as -ci but also displays the key values. Only leaf-node index pages are checked See oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information.
-pL Same as -cI but also displays the key values and rowids for leaf-node index pages only See oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information.
-pp Displays contents of a logical page See oncheck -pp and -pP: Display the contents of a logical page.
-pP Same as -pp but requires a chunk number and logical page number or internal rowid as input See oncheck -pp and -pP: Display the contents of a logical page.
-pr Same as -cr but also displays the reserved-page information as it checks the reserved pages See oncheck -pr and pR: Display reserved-page information.
-pR Same as -cR but also displays the information for the reserved pages, physical-log pages, and logical-log pages See oncheck -pr and pR: Display reserved-page information.
-ps Checks and displays smart-large-object and sbspace metadata for an sbspace See oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces.
-pS Checks and displays smart-large-object and sbspace metadata. Lists extents and header information for individual smart large objects See oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces.
-pt Displays tblspace information for a table or fragment See oncheck -pt and -pT: Display tblspaces for a Table or Fragment.
-pT Same as -pt but also displays index-specific information and page-allocation information by page type (for dbspaces) See oncheck -pt and -pT: Display tblspaces for a Table or Fragment.
-q Suppresses all checking and validation message None.
-x Places a shared lock on the table when you check and print an index Use with the -ci, -cI, -pk, -pK, -pl, or -pL options. For complete information, see Turn On Locking with -x.
-y Repairs indexes when errors are detected None.
-V Displays the software version number and the serial number See Obtaining utility version information.
-version Displays the build version, host, OS, number and date, as well as the GLS version See Obtaining utility version information.
chunknum Specifies a decimal value that you use to indicate a particular chunk Value must be an unsigned integer greater than 0. Chunk must exist.

Execute the -pe option to learn which chunk numbers are associated with specific dbspaces, blobspaces or sbspaces.

database Specifies the name of a database that you want to check for consistency Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.
db1 Specifies the local database that contains a data type that you want to check Optionally specify the local database server name using the format db1@server1.
db2 Specifies the remote database that contains a data type that you want to check Optionally specify the remote database server name using the format db2@server2.
frag_dbs Specifies the name of a dbspace that contains a fragment you want to check for consistency Dbspace must exist and contain the fragment that you want to check for consistency. Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.
index_name Specifies the name of the index that you want to check for consistency Index must exist on table and in database specified.

Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

logical pagenum Specifies an integer value that you use to indicate a particular page in a tblspace Value must be an unsigned integer between 0 and 16,777,215, inclusive. Value can be expressed as an unsigned integer or hexadecimal that begins with 0x identifier.
object Specifies the name of the DataBlade, cast, operator , user-defined data type, or UDR that you want to check If you do not specify an object name, the database server compares all objects of the same type with the same name and owner.
owner Specifies the owner of a table You must specify the current owner of the table.

Syntax must conform to the Owner Name segment; for more information, see HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

pagenum Indicates the page number of the sbspace metadata portion to check and display None.
partnum Identifies the sbspace metadata partition to check and display None.
rowid Identifies the rowid of the row whose contents you want to display. The rowid is displayed as part of oncheck -pD output Value must be an unsigned integer between 0 and 4,277,659,295, inclusive. Value can be expressed as an unsigned integer or hexadecimal that begins with 0x identifier.
sbspace Specifies the name of the sbspace that you want to check for consistency None.
server Specifies the database server name If you omit the database server name, oncheck uses the name that INFORMIXSERVER specifies.
table Specifies the name of the table that you want to check for consistency Table exists when you execute the utility. Syntax must conform to the Table Name segment; for more information, see HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.
tblspacenum Identifies the tblspace whose contents you want to display Value must be an unsigned integer between 0 and 208,666,624, inclusive. Value can be expressed as an unsigned integer or hexadecimal that begins with 0x identifier.

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