onstat -g sts command: Print stack usage for each thread
Use the onstat -g sts command to display information about the maximum and current stack use for each thread.
Example output
Figure 1. onstat
-g sts command output
Stack usage:
TID Total Max Current Thread Name
bytes % bytes %
2 32768 3124 9 3079 9 adminthd
3 32768 2870 8 2871 8 childthd
5 32768 14871 45 2871 8 Cosvr Avail Mgr
6 32768 2870 8 2871 8 dfm_svc
7 131072 3190 2 3191 2 xmf_svc
9 32768 3126 9 3127 9 xtm_svcc
10 32768 3580 10 3335 10 xtm_svcp
11 32768 3238 9 3239 9 cfgmgr_svc
12 32768 6484 19 2871 8 lio vp 0
14 32768 6484 19 2871 8 pio vp 0
16 32768 6484 19 2871 8 aio vp 0
18 131072 10391 7 2871 2 msc vp 0
20 32768 4964 15 2871 8 fifo vp 0
22 32768 4964 15 2871 8 fifo vp 1
24 32768 6028 18 2871 8 aio vp 1
26 32768 5444 16 2951 9 dfmxpl_svc
27 32768 2886 8 2887 8 sch_svc
28 32768 7812 23 5015 15 rqm_svc
29 32768 7140 21 3079 9 sm_poll
30 32768 11828 36 6439 19 sm_listen
31 32768 2870 8 2871 8 sm_discon
32 32768 14487 44 4055 12 main_loop()
33 32768 4272 13 2903 8 flush_sub(0)
34 32768 2902 8 2903 8 flush_sub(1)
35 32768 2870 8 2871 8 btscanner 0
36 32768 3238 9 3239 9 aslogflush
37 32768 3055 9 2887 8 bum_local
38 32768 3238 9 3239 9 bum_rcv
39 32768 4902 14 4903 14 onmode_mon
42 32768 4964 15 2871 8 lio vp 1
44 32768 5136 15 2871 8 pio vp 1