onstat -r command: Repeatedly print selected statistics
Use the onstat -r command to repeatedly print the statistics for other options specified in the command at specified intervals.
Syntax: >>-onstat-- -r--+------------------------+--------------------->< +-seconds--other_options-+ '-other_options----------'
Use the onstat -r seconds other_options command to specify the seconds to repeat the other option.
Use onstat -r other_options command to have the option repeat every five seconds, which allows the other options to be concatenated with the -r option, as in this example: onstat -rFh.
The onstat -r command can be used in both command mode and interactive mode, and can be useful for repeating command output to monitor system resource utilization.
Example output running the onstat -r command every five seconds
Figure 1. command
onstat -r
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:05:25 -- 1067288 Kbytes
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:05:30 -- 1067288 Kbytes
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:05:35 -- 1067288 Kbytes
Example output running the onstat -r command every ten seconds
Figure 2. command
onstat -r 10
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:06:58 -- 1067288 Kbytes
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:07:08 -- 1067288 Kbytes
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F -- On-Line -- Up 20:07:18 -- 1067288 Kbytes
Example output running the onstat -r every one second, with the -h option
Figure 3. onstat -r 1 -h command output
onstat -r 1 -h
Buffer pool page size: 2048
buffer hash chain length histogram
# of chains of len
3841 0
3767 1
522 2
62 3
8192 total chains
4351 hashed buffs
5000 total buffs
Buffer pool page size: 2048
buffer hash chain length histogram
# of chains of len
4020 0
3392 1
735 2
43 3
2 4
8192 total chains
4172 hashed buffs
5000 total buffs
Example output running the onstat -r command every five seconds, with the -Fh options
Figure 4. onstat -rFh command output
onstat -rFh
Fg Writes LRU Writes Chunk Writes
0 0 21
address flusher state data # LRU Chunk Wakeups Idle Tim
460e6820 0 I 0 0 2 5 9.820
states: Exit Idle Chunk Lru
Buffer pool page size: 2048
buffer hash chain length histogram
# of chains of len
6342 0
1850 1
8192 total chains
1850 hashed buffs
5000 total buffs
Fg Writes LRU Writes Chunk Writes
0 0 21
address flusher state data # LRU Chunk Wakeups Idle Tim
460e6820 0 I 0 0 2 10 22.755
states: Exit Idle Chunk Lru
Buffer pool page size: 2048
buffer hash chain length histogram
# of chains of len
4396 0
3796 1
8192 total chains
3796 hashed buffs
5000 total buffs