Messages: D-E-F
- Dataskip is OFF for all dbspaces.
- Dataskip is ON for all dbspaces.
- Dataskip is ON for dbspaces: dbspacelist.
- Dataskip will be turned {ON|OFF} for dbspacename.
- DBSERVERALIASES exceeded the maximum limit of 32
- DBSPACETEMP internal list not initialized, using default.
- The DBspace/BLOBspace spacename is now mirrored.
- The DBspace/BLOBspace spacename is no longer mirrored.
- devname: write failed, file system is full.
- Dropping temporary tblspace 0xn, recovering nn pages.
- Dynamically allocated new shared memory segment (size nnnn).
- ERROR: NO "wait for" locks in Critical Section.
- Error building sysmaster database. See outfile.
- Error in dropping system defined type.
- Error in renaming systdist.
- Error removing sysdistrib row for tabid = tabid, colid = colid in database name. iserrno = number
- Error writing pathname errno = number.
- Error writing shmem to file filename (error). Unable to create output file filename errno=mm.Error writing filename errno=nn.
- Fail to extend physical log space.
- Fatal error initializing CWD string. Check permissions on current working directory. Group groupname must have at least execute permission on '.'.
- Fragments dbspacename1 dbspacename2 of table tablename set to non-resident.
- Forced-resident shared memory not available.
- Freed mm shared-memory segment(s) number bytes.
Parent topic: Messages in the database server log