Messages: N-O-P
- Newly specified value of value for the pagesize in the configuration file does not match older value of value. Using the older value.
- Not enough main memory.
- Not enough logical-log files, Increase LOGFILES.
- The number of configured inline poll threads exceeds the number of CPU virtual processors.
- onconfig parameter parameter modified from old_value to new_value.
- oninit: Cannot have SINGLE_CPU_VP non-zero and number of CPU VPs greater than 1.
- oninit: Cannot have SINGLE_CPU_VP non-zero and user-defined VP classes.
- oninit: Fatal error in initializing ASF with 'ASF_INIT_DATA' flags asfcode = '25507'.
- Cannot alter a table which has associated violations table.
- oninit: Too many VPCLASS parameters specified.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname bad affinity specification.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname duplicate class name.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname illegal option.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname maximum number of VPs is out of the range 0-10000.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname number of VPs is greater than the maximum specified.
- oninit: VPCLASS classname number of VPs is out of the range 0-10000.
- onmode: VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
- Online Mode.
- onspaces: unable to reset dataskip.
- Open transaction detected when changing log versions.
- Out of message shared memory.
- Out of resident shared memory.
- Out of virtual shared memory.
- PANIC: Attempting to bring system down.
- Participant site database_server heuristically rolled back.
- Physical recovery complete: number pages examined, number pages restored.
- Physical recovery started at page (chunk:offset).
- Portions of partition partnum of table tablename in database dbname were not logged. This partition cannot be rolled forward.
- Possible mixed transaction result.
- Prepared participant site server_name did not respond.
- Prepared participant site server_name not responding.
Parent topic: Messages in the database server log