Messages: T-U-V
- This ddl operation is not allowed due to deferred constraints pending on this table and dependent tables.
- This type of space does not accept log files.
- TIMER VP: Could not redirect I/O in initialization, errno = nn.
- Too Many Active Transactions.
- Too many violations.
- Transaction Not Found.
- Transaction heuristically rolled back.
- Transaction table overflow - user id nn, process id nn.
- Unable to create output file filename errno = nn.
- Unable to extend nn reserved pages for purpose in root chunk.
- Unable to start SQL engine.
- Unable to open tblspace nn, iserrno = nn.
- The value of pagesize pagesize specified in the config file is not a valid pagesize. Use 2048, 4096 or 8192 as the value for PAGESIZE in the onconfig file and restart the server.
- Violations table is not started for the target table.
- Violations table reversion test completed successfully.
- Violations table reversion test failed.
- Violations table reversion test start.
- Violations tables still exist.
- Virtual processor limit exceeded.
- VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
- VPCLASS classname duplicate class name.
- VPCLASS classname Not enough physical procs for affinity.
Parent topic: Messages in the database server log