onmode -P: Start, stop, or restart a listen thread dynamically
Use the onmode -P command to start, stop, or restart an existing listen thread for a SOCTCP or TLITCP network protocol without interrupting existing connections.
Syntax: >>-onmode-- -P--+-start---+--server_name----------------------->< +-stop----+ '-restart-'
Element | Purpose | Key Considerations |
start | Start a new listen thread for a SOCTCP or TLITCP network protocol without interrupting existing connections. | The definition of the listen thread must exist in the sqlhosts file for the server. If the definition of the listen thread does not exist in the sqlhosts file, you must add it before you can start the listen thread dynamically. |
stop | Stop an existing listen thread for a SOCTCP or TLITCP network protocol without interrupting existing connections. | The definition of the listen thread must exist in the sqlhosts file for the server. |
restart | Stop and start an existing listen thread for a SOCTCP or TLITCP network protocol without interrupting existing connections. | The definition of the listen thread must exist in the sqlhosts file for the server. |
server_name | The name of the database server on which you want to start, stop, or restart a listen thread. |
These commands do not update the sqlhosts file.
These commands are equivalent to the SQL administration API functions that have start listen, stop listen, or restart listen arguments.
The following command stops and then starts a listen thread for a server named ids_serv1:onmode -P restart ids_serv1