The oncmsm utility
Use the oncmsm utility to start or shut down a Connection Manager, load a new configuration file into a Connection Manager to modify the Connection Manager's settings, or update the format of a configuration file.
UNIX syntax diagram: >>-oncmsm-------------------------------------------------------> >--+-+--------------------------+--+------------------------------+-+->< | '- -c --configuration_file-' '- -n --new_configuration_file-' | '-+- -r -+--connection_manager_name------------------------------' '- -k -'
Windows syntax diagram: >>-oncmsm-------------------------------------------------------> >----+- -i -- -c --configuration_file-----------------------------+--->< +-+--------------------------+-- -n --new_configuration_file-+ | '- -c --configuration_file-' | +-+- -r -+--connection_manager_name--------------------------+ | +- -k -+ | | '- -u -' | '-connection_manager_name------------------------------------'
Element | Purpose | Key considerations |
-c | Starts the Connection Manager or converts a configuration file to the current Connection Manager format. | |
connection_manager_name | Specifies the name of a Connection Manager instance. | |
-i | Installs the Connection Manager as a Windows service. | This option is valid for Windows platforms only. |
-k | Shuts down a specific instance of the Connection Manager. | |
-n | Specifies the name of a converted configuration file. | |
new_configuration_file | The name of file that is output to the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory as part of the format-conversion process. | |
configuration_file | The name of the configuration file located in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. | If the configuration file is not specified, the Connection Manager attempts to load $INFORMIXDIR/etc/cmsm.cfg. |
-r | Reloads the Connection Manager settings without stopping and restarting the Connection Manager. | |
-u | Uninstall the Connection Manager Windows service. | This option is valid for Windows platforms only. |
Run the oncmsm utility from the command line to initialize the Connection Manager. You can add, change, or delete Service Level Agreements (SLAs) while the Connection Manager is running and then reload the configuration file.
The Connection Manager configuration file in versions of HCL Informix® Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK) prior to version 3.70.xC3 are incompatible with the current version of the Connection Manager. You must convert configuration files from versions prior to 3.70.xC3. You must have read permission on the configuration file you want to convert and write permission on the configuration file you want to create.
- User informix
- User root, if the user has privileges to connect to the sysadmin database
- A member of the DBSA group, if the user has privileges to connect to the sysadmin database
- A member of the Informix-Admin group
- User administrator, if the user has privileges to connect to the sysadmin database
- A member of the DBSA group, if the user has privileges to connect to the sysadmin database
You must install the oncmsm utility as a service before you can start it.
- Run an oncmsm command.
- Click oncmsm. and then start
If you are using multiple Connection Managers, you can run onstat -g cmsm to display the names of Connection Manager instances.
Example 1: Starting a Connection Manager (UNIX)
oncmsm -c configuration_file_1
Connection Manager starts.Example 2: Starting a Connection Manager (Windows)
oncmsm -i -c configuration_file_2
oncmsm connection_manager_2
The Connection Manager named connection_manager_2 starts.Example 3: Stopping a Connection Manager
oncmsm -k connection_manager_3
Connection Manager named connection_manager_3 stops.Example 4: Reloading Connection Manager settings
oncmsm -r connection_manager_4
Example 5: Converting a Connection Manager configuration file to a current format
oncmsm -n configuration_file_5
The oncmsm utility
converts cmsm.cfg to the current configuration
file format, and then outputs a file named configuration_file_5 into $INFORMIXDIR/etc/.Example 6: Converting a specific Connection Manager configuration file to a current format
oncmsm -c configuration_file_6 -n configuration_file_7
The oncmsm utility
converts configuration_file_6 to the current
configuration file format and then outputs a file named configuration_file_7 into $INFORMIXDIR/etc/.Example 7: Uninstalling a Connection Manager (Windows)
oncmsm -u connection_manager_4
The oncmsm utility
uninstalls the Connection Manager.