Changing the Password for a Keystore File

At any time using onkstore the admin may change the password of a keystore:

onkstore -file my_keystore -pw /tmp/old_password -changepw /tmp/new_password

If your current password is stashed (contained in the keystore’s associated .sth file), then you do not need to pass it to onkstore via the -pw argument, but if you have removed the stash file you must provide the current password to onkstore before it can be changed to a new one.

You can also perform this same function using the “master_key reset” sysadmin command:

dbaccess sysadmin -<<END
execute function task(“master_key reset”,”new_sample_pw”);

This method has the advantage of not requiring the current password in order to change to a new one. The current password was provided to the server at boot time.

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